
Welcome to Milton’s Personalized Learning blog!  There is a growing amount of conversation surrounding the district’s Personalized Learning initiative and where Milton fits within that plan.  It is my hope that this blog will serve as a way to provide the community information regarding this initiative and what it looks like at Milton High School.

With this first blog entry I am initially addressing the most common questions that I have received over the past few weeks.  As I develop this blog, I will try to make it as user friendly and informative as possible.

Thank you,

Brian Jones, Principal

Milton High School

What is Personalized Learning?

Personalized learning is customized to an individual learner’s needs, skills, and interests.  IT IS NOT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY OR DEVICES!  While instructional technology will be a useful tool to personalize learning, it is not a replacement of the teacher.  Effective instruction and great teachers will continue to be the expectation at Milton High School.

 What is the Personalized Learning plan?

Milton High School is in Group 3 (out of 5) of Fulton’s Personalized Learning initiative.  Middle and high schools in Groups 1 and 2 have submitted and received approval of their Personalized Learning plans.  Currently, our Personalized Learning team is working on our instructional model, professional development, and communications plan.  The next steps in the process will be (over the next few months):

  • Finalizing our instructional model, professional development and communications plan
  • Test the 4 devices in the marketplace, School Governance Council then approves the selection
  • Implementation of our communication and professional development plans, and phase in devices and shifts in the classroom

 Are some teachers already doing Personalized Learning?

Yes.  We have some teachers that have been utilizing specific models related to Personalized Learning since last year. There are other teachers that are moving forward and beginning to implement some Personalized Learning models this semester.  We will continue to monitor and support those classes to ensure that students continually LEARN and show levels of mastery in those classes.

 Will every student have a device next year?

The simple answer is yes.  Milton will be a 1:1 school.  This means that EVERY STUDENT will have THEIR OWN device.  The specifics that are unknown right now are:

  • What is the device?
  • When will that roll-out/distribution occur?
  • What rules/policies are students/parents responsible for knowing?

These questions will be addressed by the Personalized Learning team as we continue our work moving forward.

Thank you for taking time to get some very general information about Personalized Learning at Milton.  I will add more information and resources on a weekly basis.


4 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. What are your provisions when students drop and break or lose their devices? How can you mitigate this? Is there insurance on the devices? Are you going to make the parents responsible?

    • We will follow district policy regarding damaged and lost/stolen devices.
      If for any reason the device is lost, stolen, or damaged during the time that is it issued to the student, whether intentionally or due to negligence, the student and their parent/guardian are responsible for the fines outlined in theDevice User Agreement.

  2. Brian, this blog is great idea to help with the conversation in the community regarding personalized learning, devices etc. Parents are concerned, and having a source of information from someone in the know can only help.

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